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» Happy B-day ziggg
ubpswat - UBP Empty2015-05-12, 7:24 pm by Smoky

» Call of Duty 4: MW Patch 1.6 - 1.7
ubpswat - UBP Empty2014-12-08, 3:19 am by UBP|HAWX

» Add Your Score Pic Here
ubpswat - UBP Empty2014-12-08, 2:40 am by UBP|HAWX

» UBP Green Frog Skin
ubpswat - UBP Empty2014-12-03, 12:19 am by UBP|HAWX

» All members read
ubpswat - UBP Empty2014-03-30, 10:23 am by Guest

» UBP| vs |MYT|
ubpswat - UBP Empty2014-02-24, 9:00 pm by Smoky

» U N B A N N E D
ubpswat - UBP Empty2014-02-09, 4:53 am by UBP|»Polar

» I'm tired!
ubpswat - UBP Empty2014-02-06, 10:24 am by UBP||Supertramp

» Game: True or False
ubpswat - UBP Empty2014-01-28, 6:04 am by Smoky

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Happy B-day ziggg

2015-05-12, 7:24 pm by Smoky

Happy bday mfker xDDDDDD

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All members read

2013-11-23, 2:41 am by Smoky

Ok guys lets just say there are only 2 active members witouth UBP friends on forum..

Soo I think you should all visit our forum only 1 time in week and create some topics and ideas for our gameplay cuz wee must decide to play other games not only SWAT.

Soo i will send everybody whos online on xfire and facebook this topic,hope UBP forum will bee active iff not i think UBP is dead iff something …

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Comments: 4

I'm tired!

2014-02-06, 10:24 am by UBP||Supertramp

I'm sick of it. Every day get on your server and call the UBP's player have to go there and neither will anyone answer me. Quite honestly or starts investing in our server or I'll leave! Some time had already created a post to say what he would do and did not see anyone to collaborate.

Think about who really want to do!

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New server in swat tss

2014-01-14, 5:03 am by zykes

Hi everybody, today we opened our server in swat 4 tss, good ping, good maps. Feel free to join if u want to.
We can play a clan war = ) just ask me in xfire. THANKS!

Clan {«COL»}ombia
Xfire: mkalejo

Comments: 1

Required reading.

2013-12-16, 11:08 am by UBP||Supertramp

Good evening everyone, I hereby ask why we only have 3 votes for a post created by Smoky ? We are only 3 members UBP ? Does it cost anything much to choose yes or no ?
Comrades, this is not just UBP 's say we are , we have to participate.

Quite honestly I am not happy with the way that this UBP have. I'll take a case that happened happened yesterday , " unfortunately I can only be on the net …

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Comments: 2

picture to proove i not cheater!

2013-12-10, 1:35 am by ubpdogix


ubpswat - UBP

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2013-12-06, 12:31 am by Smoky

Guys next saturday i think wee can manage war against members wee have active soo i think Polar,Sunny,Mawkli,Adriano,KillerPL,LdyWlf,Ziggy,Crazy,Smoky and maybe 1 more can join the server wee will discuss abouth time in xfire and wee can have fun soo its abouth you are you wanna play or not Polar or who ever read this please send that topic to all members you get on facebook page xfire and wee …

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Comments: 3

nabs join mee

2013-11-28, 4:19 am by UBP|»Polar

guys come play DayZ with me install ArmaII and teamspeak and we pwn zombies and noobs

Comments: 1

See you in game :)

2013-11-21, 5:41 am by Supernova

Hi guys !
Just to say that i'm leaving UBP. I'm sorry for doing this again, but i think that it's the best thing to do. The server continues the same (Barricaded Suspects), i'm not even admin, we only have 3 members online regularly and nobody seems to care.
Don't get me wrong mates :(
I hope to see you in game, you'll always be a family to me!
Bye guys :)

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