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Give a new life to UBP team. 2l1e960qfua
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Give a new life to UBP team.

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by DEA 2013-02-23, 4:36 pm

Hello everyone, I do not think I need to present because you all know me.
As we all know Swat is dying every day and I see the team doing anything to change this situation, on the contrary every day to play on the server I see that there is misconduct on the part of administrators, which makes many players leave the server. Many spoke ill of Adriano but I see that he is very much needed for team, he fouls more than ever.
If the team continue the work he has done bad so far Swat will die but the team still dies first.
The bad work you have done is the following: Misconduct in the server, bad administrators, the team does not have a certain tag each uses whatever, some members active and involved both the server and the forum, there is no respect for themselves members the more the players that go to the server.
Some examples of what he said: Some players ask to change teams and nobody wants to know, other teams are going to the server and insult UBP members and nobody does anything, nobody does good management teams on the server, not the players controls about cheats speak of members of the UBP.

I think we should hold elections to decide a true leader for the UBP, please vote

To conclude: If you like my idea I promise to come back and I UBP candidate for leader of the team, but remain friends like it as always.

Let's take a new life UBP.
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Give a new life to UBP team. Police10
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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by Smoky 2013-02-23, 8:06 pm

DEA wrote:Hello everyone, I do not think I need to present because you all know me.
As we all know Swat is dying every day and I see the team doing anything to change this situation, on the contrary every day to play on the server I see that there is misconduct on the part of administrators, which makes many players leave the server. Many spoke ill of Adriano but I see that he is very much needed for team, he fouls more than ever.
If the team continue the work he has done bad so far Swat will die but the team still dies first.
The bad work you have done is the following: Misconduct in the server, bad administrators, the team does not have a certain tag each uses whatever, some members active and involved both the server and the forum, there is no respect for themselves members the more the players that go to the server.
Some examples of what he said: Some players ask to change teams and nobody wants to know, other teams are going to the server and insult UBP members and nobody does anything, nobody does good management teams on the server, not the players controls about cheats speak of members of the UBP.

I think we should hold elections to decide a true leader for the UBP, please vote

To conclude: If you like my idea I promise to come back and I UBP candidate for leader of the team, but remain friends like it as always.

Let's take a new life UBP.

I think its early to vote for something but in your msg is thruth i support you on that..

So let"s clear this way i canno"t doo nothing i try try and try nobody support mee exept Mawkli and Ziggy others /not online or doing something i understand but i was away from familly and still active on forum and supporting other way guys wee are fams long time ago i dont think wee need leader just 1 more guy who think like mee mawkli dea and ziggy nice post DEA i will think abouth that

Give a new life to UBP team. Police10

Give a new life to UBP team. Swat11 Give a new life to UBP team. Comman10

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by DEA 2013-02-24, 2:32 am

UBPlSmoky wrote:
DEA wrote:Hello everyone, I do not think I need to present because you all know me.
As we all know Swat is dying every day and I see the team doing anything to change this situation, on the contrary every day to play on the server I see that there is misconduct on the part of administrators, which makes many players leave the server. Many spoke ill of Adriano but I see that he is very much needed for team, he fouls more than ever.
If the team continue the work he has done bad so far Swat will die but the team still dies first.
The bad work you have done is the following: Misconduct in the server, bad administrators, the team does not have a certain tag each uses whatever, some members active and involved both the server and the forum, there is no respect for themselves members the more the players that go to the server.
Some examples of what he said: Some players ask to change teams and nobody wants to know, other teams are going to the server and insult UBP members and nobody does anything, nobody does good management teams on the server, not the players controls about cheats speak of members of the UBP.

I think we should hold elections to decide a true leader for the UBP, please vote

To conclude: If you like my idea I promise to come back and I UBP candidate for leader of the team, but remain friends like it as always.

Let's take a new life UBP.

I think its early to vote for something but in your msg is thruth i support you on that..

So let"s clear this way i canno"t doo nothing i try try and try nobody support mee exept Mawkli and Ziggy others /not online or doing something i understand but i was away from familly and still active on forum and supporting other way guys wee are fams long time ago i dont think wee need leader just 1 more guy who think like mee mawkli dea and ziggy nice post DEA i will think abouth that

Thanks for supporting my brother always loved this family and do not like what is this happening to her.
My dear friend as you can see this post has been viewed 11 times and have only one answer, I think this is further evidence for I have created this post.

Let's take a new life UBP.
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Give a new life to UBP team. Police10
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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by DEA 2013-02-24, 3:48 pm

And this is the truth of this clan is lost, many seen and few answers.
It is so sad to see this, you are forgiven Adriano comeback to lead this. rage
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Give a new life to UBP team. Police10
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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by bobbyepic 2013-02-24, 6:10 pm

Its all in the hands of admins, in what way can I help?
many guys in swat are using fake names of UBP members... in one of the server i saw a fake UBP|ZIGGY he was very abusive and many think it is the real one.

what are we supposed to do?
eyepopping rage eyepopping surprise frown


Give a new life to UBP team. Police10
Give a new life to UBP team. Swat11
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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by Ziggy 2013-02-24, 11:14 pm

Hmmm, i get where your coming from. But it is abit more complex than this. As far as leaders go, i think voting forward one leader would be beneficial. However i do not necesarrily agree that we should put pressure on Adriano. If he wants to participate, that will be his decision. I also believe splitting up the SA from being considerd "leaders" would be a step in the right direction. Voting for one would be a wise choice and help the clan become more stable. As far as the server goes, it is up to every admin by himself to decide what actions to take against what. Rules should be obeyed, however the morals will vary. And i have to add, i dont feel like the atmosphere on the server is hostile at all, just my impression.

Give a new life to UBP team. Police10

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by UBP|»Polar 2013-02-25, 5:33 am

We don't always have enough active admins to control the server. When admins are present, I don't usually see a problem. Somebody wants spec, switch team, they get it. Admins are polite. We look for cheaters.

I remember one time DEA say: "POLAR NOOB ADMIN SEE SPAWN DO NOTHING" - I didn't see who spawnkilled, sorry, I was carrying the case. Please remember admins are trying to play the game as well as control it.

We haven't had much in the way of leadership lately as Ldywlf's been away, I've been busy and as you know, we don't really have any "elected" leaders anyway. And I haven't seen FALCON in a long time. I don't know what's been going on the last few days, I haven't really been here. I should be on Xfire most evening though.

Also, I don't really see the benefit of the autocratic "one leader" idea, it only segregates the team and also there are issues when the leader is AFK.

What sort of "leadership" are you talking about anyway? I like to see UBP as a team/family, rather than a clan.

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by Ziggy 2013-02-25, 6:55 am

Well spoken Polar. You made some vaild points, and i think that the friendly atomsphere in the server is the most important one. I feel like the server has good personalities in it and i love to be around anytime. As far as leadership goes i think it can go either way. Personally i would like for one clanleader to be the flagcarrier, along with a vice one to cover up for when the others away. And that will currently be the only change i would support at the moment.

Give a new life to UBP team. Police10

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by DEA 2013-02-25, 9:32 am

Guys mi idea is one Lider, 2 SA ( but good's SA ), and 3 Admins, New rules, all need take some programs and all need take one tag, real names on server, new official Xfire page of UBP and more and more and more. I just try help this Clan guys i leave because i do mi job and now i no see nobody do noting. Open eyes guys, SA and Admin on server frist is look all and seconds is play.
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Give a new life to UBP team. Police10
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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by UBP|Ldywlf 2013-02-27, 2:12 am

Well I can tell you this now.. Thanks a lot for leaving me with no options to help my own family deal with their hard times and pretty much forcing me to come back to take care of what.. You guys want a new leader.. Sorry I haven't been able to do everything that you guys want.. which is what.. hmmm.. funny no one says.. and for what.. so one person will join back after leaving.. wow.. really.. Sorry Dea.. we friends and all.. but I will not tolerate backstabbing towards me ever.

Give a new life to UBP team. Swat11

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by UBP|»Polar 2013-02-27, 6:31 am

Well said Ldy.

But I think he is not specifically talking about you.

At the same time, I still don't see what "leadership" he wants that we don't already fulfill. Of course, there are a few things we could improve on, as always, but saying that we need "new life" is a bit harsh...

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by Ziggy 2013-02-27, 6:49 am

As ive said, the leadership could use some clarification to it in my opinion and i do believe that can be done relativly easily and help the clan out alot. However painting the picture of that the server is chaos and that "nobody does nothing", is kinda over the top considering you acctually decided to leave the clan. This really came out of nowhere.

Give a new life to UBP team. Police10

Give a new life to UBP team. Swat11 Give a new life to UBP team. Comman10

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by Smoky 2013-02-27, 7:10 am

UBP|Ldywlf wrote:Well I can tell you this now.. Thanks a lot for leaving me with no options to help my own family deal with their hard times and pretty much forcing me to come back to take care of what.. You guys want a new leader.. Sorry I haven't been able to do everything that you guys want.. which is what.. hmmm.. funny no one says.. and for what.. so one person will join back after leaving.. wow.. really.. Sorry Dea.. we friends and all.. but I will not tolerate backstabbing towards me ever.

Hey Lady!! "Well I can tell you this now.. Thanks a lot for leaving me with no options to help my own family deal with their hard times and pretty much forcing me to come back to take care of what.." I dont understand this who where pushing you or something???Ziggy told mee that you will bee AFK cuz life problems,,and i sayed ok but everithing FUCKED UP AS WEE ALL CAN SEE CLAN AND GAME ARE DEAD not yet but soon if wee dont stick together and witouth this topics who will be leader and etc is stupid wee all friendsdo wee need leader???Iff wee need then wee choose betwen uss on xfire chat witouth votes and keep it in silence wee dont need to say lady is leader ziggy is leader or iam leader wee all Friends soo start comunicate betven on xfire like mee and mawkli Ziggy and Polar should have some conversation



Give a new life to UBP team. Police10

Give a new life to UBP team. Swat11 Give a new life to UBP team. Comman10

Give a new life to UBP team. Armyra10
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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by UBP|»Polar 2013-02-27, 9:17 am


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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by UBP|Ldywlf 2013-02-27, 10:03 am

I will say this once and once only.. I have been away cause my sister was in a bad accident.. she lost her baby, and needs someone to help her cope and get better.. and the minute i'm gone there's talk of voting for new leader so dea can come back.. first.. no one ever said he could.. second.. it's sounding a lot like a monu situation.. he will only join if we do this for him.. Sorry.. UBP doesn't play that way... I as a leader have informed those that need to know what's going on what I have been able to so they can take care of what they need to until i get back.. But now because of this, I have to leave my sister alone so I can come back home to deal with admin stuff why, no one can contact an admin and ask them something.. We are adults.. at least should be.. and this is going a little far considering it is just a game.. Is there admin's available.. yes.. Is there a server.. Yes.. so where's the problem.. server works fine.. admins are doing what they can.

Give a new life to UBP team. Swat11

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by DEA 2013-02-27, 10:23 am

UBP|Ldywlf wrote:Well I can tell you this now.. Thanks a lot for leaving me with no options to help my own family deal with their hard times and pretty much forcing me to come back to take care of what.. You guys want a new leader.. Sorry I haven't been able to do everything that you guys want.. which is what.. hmmm.. funny no one says.. and for what.. so one person will join back after leaving.. wow.. really.. Sorry Dea.. we friends and all.. but I will not tolerate backstabbing towards me ever.

Lady I'm not just talking about you I'm talking about everyone in general, I've talked with Polar and better explained this is not "doing nothing on the server" comes up for maturity.
Lady never expected to hear the word "treason" Coming from you, I'm just worried about what is happening in the team and nobody wants to see. I do not belong team but people still talk to me and come to complain :(
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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by UBP|»Polar 2013-02-27, 10:41 am

UBP|Ldywlf wrote:I will say this once and once only.. I have been away cause my sister was in a bad accident.. she lost her baby, and needs someone to help her cope and get better.. and the minute i'm gone there's talk of voting for new leader so dea can come back.. first.. no one ever said he could.. second.. it's sounding a lot like a monu situation.. he will only join if we do this for him.. Sorry.. UBP doesn't play that way... I as a leader have informed those that need to know what's going on what I have been able to so they can take care of what they need to until i get back.. But now because of this, I have to leave my sister alone so I can come back home to deal with admin stuff why, no one can contact an admin and ask them something.. We are adults.. at least should be.. and this is going a little far considering it is just a game.. Is there admin's available.. yes.. Is there a server.. Yes.. so where's the problem.. server works fine.. admins are doing what they can.


Sorry to hear that.

Nobody agreed with the idea of a new leader, it was only a proposition

Don't worry about it, we've got it covered until you're back. (we hope)

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Give a new life to UBP team. Empty Re: Give a new life to UBP team.

Post by DEA 2013-02-27, 10:50 am

Yes I was wrong to talk about me running for leadership, nor I am part of the team. Just wanted to help the leaders with the work they have to do on the server, I think I still have to learn how to lead a server. Since I'm now seen as a traitor, talk to Adriano he is a good teacher.

Ok I give up trying to help the team. Good luck with the job they are doing. Ciao.
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